
Intermediate Reading in Brazilian Portuguese: O Saci by Monteiro Lobato


An adaptation of the classic O Saci by Monteiro Lobato written almost exclusively using the words from the 600 High Frequency Word List which is designed to be studied alongside this book. O Saci details many of the mythical entities from Brazilian folklore and also features the characters from O Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, Brazil’s most beloved children’s TV show from the early 2000’s.

O Saci was chosen because of its quality and its importance as a cultural reference, the knowledge of which is certain to endear foreigners to Brazilians.

600 High Frequency Word List

While the original version of O Saci contains over 4000 unique words, this adaptation is written almost exclusively using these 600 high frequency words.

By reviewing these words and then intentionally encountering them in different contexts while reading you can go from knowing how to translate these words to integrating them into your vocabulary.

High frequency word list on quizlet